
Is Your Business Pandemic Proof?

Unless you’re Amazon or one of the fortunate few, this global pandemic and national emergency have likely delivered a hard blow to your business – even if you received federal aid. Indeed, economists are expecting that a tragic number of small businesses – and even some larger ones – will not successfully navigate the new, treacherous terrain. 

Remaining viable in the short term is imperative, but have you considered how you will thrive in the long run? Have you factored in changing consumer tastes, higher costs, diminished demand, and better equipped competition ?

BizLaw offers a thorough and cost-free consultation to evaluate both your current standing (what are the terms and conditions of that PPP loan? What does your lease provide for in the event of a material change in economic conditions? Supplier arrangements? Debt holders?) and, critically, what measures you can take to position yourself for stability and future growth (expansion and exit strategies, protecting your intellectual assets, strategic alliances, corporate structuring).

Has your insurance provider furnished the protection you expected? Does your accountant possess the breadth of knowledge to do more than the paperwork?

Expect more from your professional partners, and give BizLaw a call at 727-322-9400.